When is the last time you jumped? You know, all in? When is the last time you approached something, whether it be learning something new, creating something, or even doing something with your students? You know, in the kind of way where you get that nervous feeling that makes your stomach knot up a little, but also makes your brain race because of the excitement of trying something new? These are the kind of leaps our kids need.
They need to BRAINSTORM freely.
They need the guidance to form their IDEAS into actions.
They need the support to develop their thoughts into PLANS.
They need to get past just knowing stuff and DO something WITH the stuff they know.
They need to MAKE things that they dream of.
They need to EXPLORE ways to improve the world.
They need OPPORTUNITIES to do this on a daily basis.
It’s not about expensive materials. It’s about using the ordinary to do something extraordinary. It’s about simple materials used to solve problems, build new things, innovate old things.
It could be with an app on an iPad, but it could also be with cardboard, bubble wrap, masking tape, wood scraps, and bread ties. Because creativity isn’t looking for expensive tools. Creativity is looking for space and time.
I can remember the last time I learned something new. It was today. At the Houston Maker Faire. Excitement, enjoyment, and a flood of ideas. And I thought to myself. THIS. It’s THIS that I want kids to have in their learning environment. Because it’s THIS that captivates, motivates, and inspires us all. It doesn’t matter if we are four or 74. Learning IS exciting. Invigorating. Like jumping and finding your wings.
If it’s not, you’re just doing it wrong.
Want to see learning, the right way? Check out the photos from Houston Maker Faire today. Good stuff. Everywhere I looked, I saw opportunities to jump.