It doesn’t matter what school you work in. It will happen. There will be changes you want to happen. Changes that you know need to happen. Changes that will take time. There’s the whole ‘getting everyone on board’ thing. There’s policies, procedures, laws, rules, goals, missions, visions, and stuff that can be just as likely to create a hurdle or foster a sprint. There will be kids you see, that you know the change would help. There will be people you work with that you want better for. You’ll be awake at night, thinking of ways to make it happen faster. There will be days when you feel like you’re riding on the back of a snail. Plodding along. Inch by inch. Creating a trail. Little by little. Day. By. Day. When you arrive, you’ve taken your time to create the trail that’s necessary, a trail with a foundation, building the team, where every person that arrives has a stake in the goal. Slow and steady eventually finishes. It might feel really good to get someplace as fast as possible. But, it will feel even better if it lasts. They don’t make running shoes for snails. I guess there’s a reason why.
They Don’t Make Running Shoes For Snails