The relationships you build with those around you, on a daily basis, are far bigger than any paycheck, any thing you can collect, or any amount of titles you can earn. Our lives are really about the people we surround ourselves with. How they bring out our strengths, embrace our weaknesses, and somehow, together, we become a better version of ourselves. People matter. I think I just wrote about this the other day. I believed it then, but even more so now.
There are times in our lives when we are stopped, reminded, and suddenly take an even deeper look at our relationships and what the people we are surrounded by truly mean to us. Today was one of those days for me.
My grandma passed away.
Your life counts and the people in it? They are everything. Whether it’s your friend, your colleague, someone you collaborate with online, or even someone closer, like your Grandma, every person counts, because every person you meet becomes a part of who you are in someway.
I’ll always remember Christmas shopping with my Grandma, the way she’d eat chocolate donuts before bed, and when we used to dig through her purse collection to find treasures like lipstick and coins. And I’ll always remember how very much people matter to us.
I love you, Grandma.