I know it didn’t happen my first day of teaching. It probably didn’t even happen my second year of teaching. But somewhere in the journey, I realized that truly teaching was only possible if I was a learner, too. I let my guard down. I openly admitted when I didn’t know, and even better, I admitted when they knew more than me. I became okay with not knowing all the answers. I focused more on chasing powerful questions instead of creating perfect lessons with perfectly predictable outcomes. It still drives me crazy when things don’t work out or when I fail. It probably always will. I make it sound so simple, but it wasn’t one moment or even one week when this change occurred. It was an evolution over time where I started small and let go, little by little, through the uncomfortableness of uncertainty until it happened. The kids were driving. And that? It led the journey to a whole new place that I could have never imagined, or planned, on my own. And it was worth it.