Passion. It’s that loud voice that sings inside your head and the sound of your heart beating when you are doing work that you love. It’s the thing that wakes you up at 4 in the morning with an idea that won’t let you get back to sleep. It’s the crazy feeling that takes over when you get in the middle of something that you forget is a challenge and you just keep going and get through it. It makes work feel more like play. Like a five year old swinging and sliding down the slide kind of fun. It takes your job and makes it fun. So when you have passion for what you do, what makes it even better?
Sharing it. A colleague with the same passion? A member of your PLN that you tweet. A friend in another district that you exchange Voxer messages with? When you have passion and you get together with others who share that passion, it’s like catching contagious energy that can’t be stopped. When your motivation wanes, they will reinvigorate you. When you get inspired, you will return the favor. Passion is a contagious cycle of energy that runs through your veins, feeds your soul, and reminds you why you’re alive. And sharing it with others? It reminds you that you are never alone.