If you could give your students one last message, what would you say? What is it that you want to make sure they have learned in your classroom? I came across this quote by Henry David Thoreau, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
Powerful, huh?
Our classrooms? We are providing the foundations, little by little, brick by brick, to support our kids’ biggest dreams and greatest passions. It struck me because building a castle in the air isn’t easy. Things will fall apart, crumble, and collapse. But, if the foundation is strong? The dream will survive the struggle. The struggle will become part of what makes it so great. Inside each and every one of our kids is a dream. Sometimes those dreams are buried within and we have to help them find a way to bring them out.
Because if we do, the future will be exactly what it is meant to be. And their dream, built on the foundation we helped provide, will be an amazing part of it.