You’re invited! What started out as a tiny brainstorming Facebook post, turned into a full blown project. That’s why I love being connected. I don’t have all the great ideas…but I have friends who do!
So, here’s the information and how YOU can be a part of it.
This Friday, October 10, I will launch the Connected Educators Olympics in my school, and YOU can, too. We have people all over the world brainstorming challenges on a Google Doc <right here.> You can add yours, too! Ideas will be collected until this Wednesday, and then I will be copying and pasting the tasks onto Twitter birds that the wonderful Laura created and sent me. I’ll share that document with everyone who signs up for the project so you can print and hang the birds throughout your school. The idea is that teachers will see a Twitter bird and complete the task. I’ll also include a checklist of ten tasks that you can give teachers to choose from to get started. It’s not necessary to complete them all to participate– please keep this fun, low stress, and about getting connected!
Each task will be worth a specific number of points. Teachers in your school will show you proof of the completed task and add their points to your grand total. You’ll submit your grand total via a Google Form, linked in a weekly email to you, as the Challenge Captain.
There will be 3 weeks to participate. At the end of each week, I’ll share a graph here to show who is in the lead.
There will be a fun prize for the winning school, as well as global recognition. Okay, the prizes will not be a car or a fabulous vacation, but the REAL prize here is CONNECTING with others around the world. Let’s have some fun and let’s help show others the value in getting connected!
So are you ready?
>>>>SIGN UP HERE! <<<<