A dinner we play a game called “Highs and Lows.” We take turns saying our worst moment of the day, followed by the best. The game always reminds me how different our perspectives are from our daughter’s view. She’s the ultimate optimist, often claiming there were no lows in her day. Tonight she hopped out of the car at the gas station and was thrilled to find a lucky penny. She took it inside with her and dropped it into a donation bucket. She was thrilled because she said her luck was going to help someone else. It is easy for us to share the good and hope that the good passes on to someone else. Her high was not about her, it was about helping someone else.
But the not so good moments? It can be about helping others too. It can also help us to share it. I came across this quote and I thought of the “Highs and Lows” game we play at the dinner table. The good. The bad. The real moments. We share them for one reason. To connect. If we allow our lives to become some edited version of what is real, we’re not being authentic. If we live, mistakes, failures, falling down… it’s all will happen.