Our classes are in the midst of planning for the NASA Reduced Gravity Flight coming up this summer. When I announced I was accepted to this, I was over the moon. (Space pun totally intended!) But, I didn’t realize just what it was going to mean for students. Kids are involved in REAL NASA science experiment every step of the way. They’re collaborating with other classrooms around the country. They’re planning. They’re problem solving. They’re creating procedures. This is THEIR project.

Student designed syringe holder for ZeroG.
Authentic learning is one of my passions. I believe we have to make experiences real. To get out of the textbook and into the world. Our experiment involves testing different fabrics and their absorbency on Earth and then in flight in Zero Gravity. Kids got the chance to explore with syringes, water, and fabric scraps. Simple materials. They played, they experimented, they hypothesized, they started creating procedures. Then, we had to think about how we’d carry this same experiment out on the Zero G plane, in an experiment glove box. The kids were filled with ideas, thoughts, and ready to solve problems. Engaged because learning was real.

Built our own Glove Box for testing.
I feel like this experience is taking thinking and learning to a whole new level for the students. In more ways than one. I know not every lesson can end with a flight on NASA’s Zero G plane, but I truly believe that the more real we make every lesson, the better.
Even though our students can’t fly with us, we’re inviting them on the journey, via our blog: learninginzerog.blogspot.com. Your class can join us, too.

Testing the syringes..and having fun. Because science IS fun!