Take a typical lesson, on a typical day, in a typical classroom. We are constantly reaching out to the learners who have fallen behind. Tutoring. Intervention. Extra Time. Small group. Individualized Instruction. Scaffolding. All of these things are so important, and we’d all agree, essential for the success of students who need the extra support.
But doesn’t every kid need support? What about the kids who already know it? Maybe they learned it on their own, got it really quickly, or read about it once before. They think differently. Should they wait to learn? What will be done differently for those kids?
We tend to say things like, “They’ll be fine.” But fine really isn’t good enough. What if we offered more for all kids. Not just on one lesson or one day, but whenever they need it. Bringing everyone up to a level that, for them, is enough for a good healthy stretch. Reaching, struggling, extending.
Because in that stretch? There is learning. The kind every kid deserves.
Post and poster… inspired by this. Want to download the poster? Please visit Flickr.