What if we only share the things we think everyone will agree with? Play it safe. Saying the words we know everyone will read. Are there some of us who never blog because we feel like we don’t have anything of value to share? Are there points in discussions that go unmade because it’s easier to listen, doodle, allow others to share, and then return to our classroom and do what we know i is best? Are there opportunities we shy away from because we don’t know if we can do it? We wonder if we can make that presentation and share what we believe in, or if nerves will even prevent us from showing up. We get that feeling in the pit of our stomach that says, “The words might not come out.” What if we share anyway. We show up. We speak up. We blog. We talk. We discuss. We disagree. We push our thinking. We try to push others thinking. We find that life really does begin outside the comfort zone. We get uncomfortable. It’s only then that we’ll know for sure. That saying “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” it’s totally true. Fear will continue to make us question everything. But there is something else that will get us through. Something so strong it will crush fear. It’s passion. We are all that we have. Together? We’re more powerful than anything else.
What Are You Waiting For?